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PIT SPAN 33 / Intermediate Spanish / Prof. Brizuela / SP25

This guide is designed to help you find and use resources to complete your Spanish 33 traditions assignment.

Course guide - assignment overview

Welcome! This guide is designed specifically to support you in doing research for your Intermediate Spanish traditions assignment.

Your assignment asks you to research and write about one tradition from the Latin / Hispanic World.

Use the menu to the left to find a list of recommended places to start your research and tips and tricks to access and choose your sources. Please also check out the Library Services for Students handout below and consider taking the Start Your Research tutorial to better understand the phases and processes of doing research.

La Fiesta del Inti Raymi, Perú

El día de los muertos, México

La quinceañera (toda Latinoamérica)

Los reyes magos (Latinoamérica)

La chaya riojana, Argentina

Fiesta de la vendimia, Chile/Argentina

Muñecas quitapenas de Guatemala

Feria de las flores Colombia

El carnaval de Pujllay

El Tinkunaco Argentina

Las posadas

Los jaleos de Menorca

Las diabladas (Bolivia)

Los castells (Catalunya)

El fútbol en Latinoamérica

La jota española

Perú: La cerámica Awajún

Ecuador: “El pasillo”

Bolivia: La fiesta grande de Tarija

Library Services for Students Handout

Arts & Humanities Librarian

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Ashley Larson
Research, Teaching, & User Services - The Claremont Colleges Library
909 607-3987 (x73987)