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PIT SPAN 33 / Intermediate Spanish / Prof. Brizuela / SP25

This guide is designed to help you find and use resources to complete your Spanish 33 traditions assignment.

What is a Citation?

A citation gives the reader enough information to find the work you are citing. In general, when you create a citation, you are recording the following information:

  • Author or authors
  • Title of work
  • When it was published
  • Where it was published
  • Where to find it (url, volume, chapter, etc)

When to Cite

Giving credit where credit is due is an important and highly regarded concept in academic work. It is the way we acknowledge the many foundations on which our own endeavors are built. Citing is not something created just to annoy you. It is a fundamental aspect of being someone who learns.

A citation should be created when:

  • Paraphrasing
  • Quoting
  • Summarizing

Common sense rules:

  • Use the citation style assigned by you professor. 
  • If your professor does not have a preference, use the style with which you are most familiar.
  • Never copy the formatting of a citation from another publication. Publishers generally have their own particular style formats that differ from others. 
  • Visit your campus Writing Center for in-person help. 

Core Citation Style Handbooks

Use Zotero to Cite Your Sources

Citation Managers are tools to help you keep track of your citations as you research and to create/format your citations and bibliography. For example, Zotero allows you to keep citations, full text articles, and other research resources organized in one place. You can also use these tools to format your bibliographies and the notes/citations in your papers according to the appropriate style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).

Watch this video to learn more about Zotero