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Business & Management

Harvard Business Review Case Studies

**Articles may not be copied from library databases for use in class; and they may not be borrowed  or purchased by the Library Interlibrary Loan Department. This is a rule established by HBSP, not the library.

HBR Case Study Method

Faculty often assign Harvard Business School Case Studies in classroom assignments. The Harvard Business School has instituted a policy by which any faculty member or student who needs to use an HBS Case Study, can only do so one of two ways.

1) The Professor can purchase a license to use the Case Study in class. This can be done through this link: Harvard Business Publishing for Educators Educators Website Help.

2) The student can purchase the article/case study from HBSP for a one-time use. This can be done through the same link (after registering):HBSP Online Bookstore for Students

**Articles may not be copied from library databases for use in class; and they may not be borrowed  or purchased by the Library Interlibrary Loan Department. This is a rule established by HBSP, not the library.

Links from the HBSP:

Educator Premium Register Now

  • Access to Educator Copies of full-text cases, notes, articles, and chapters.
  • Access to Teaching Notes/Plans (an instructors' guide to course material).
  • Preview and Free Trial access to online courses and simulations.
  • Access to course planning tools and special student pricing.
  • Authorize assistants to find material and create course packs on your behalf.
  • Add non-HBP content and personal material to course packs.

Click the Educator Premium link on the left to submit your application. Within 24 hours, you'll receive email notification regarding your application.

A FREE service for faculty at degree-granting institutions.

Higher Education Individual Register Now

  • Browse for and purchase materials
  • Save content to My Materials and organize it in Folders for easy access
  • Create, view, and update your personal profile

Available to general site users.

Administrator Basic

  • Acts on behalf of one or more Premium Educators.
  • Access to Educator Copies of full-text cases, notes, articles, and chapters.
  • Preview online courses and simulations.
  • Email Teaching Notes/Plans to associated Premium Educators.
  • Create Folders and Course packs on behalf of Premium Educators.


  • Use the course URL provided by your instructor to access your course materials.
  • If your instructor has assigned Harvard Business Publishing materials but not given you a specific course URL, ask your instructor if he/she is interested in creating a coursepack on this site. Students save 50% on the materials downloaded through coursepack URLs at hbsp.harvard.edu.
  • If you'd like to purchase material not assigned by your instructor or if you don't have a course URL, please go to the HBR online store