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Scholarly Communications


This Read and Publish Agreement provides a pathway for Open Access (OA) publishing in Emerald journals by authors associated with The Claremont Colleges (TCC).

TCC participates in this Agreement as part of our Library Consortium SCELC.

List of all eligible journals, including publishing model and agreement benefit.


Type of publication licenses available: Closed (for hybrid journals only), Open CC-BY (least restrictive), Open CC-BY-NC (for immediate deposit of author accepted manuscript (aka Post-print) into an Open Access repository or for self-archiving).



  • The corresponding author needs to be affiliated with one of The Claremont Colleges or TCCS - including faculty, researchers, adjunct faculty, lecturers, librarians, staff, graduate, or undergraduate students). 
  • The e-mail address used by the corresponding author must be associated with the institution’s organizational domain.

OA Publishing benefits: 

  • Publishing in Hybrid Journals - APC fully covered by the Agreement 
  • Publishing in Fully Open Access Journals - the Agreement provides 5% APC discount.

Submission workflow:

Please verify the type of journal you would like to submit your work to and the agreement benefit for OA publishing and consult the publisher Author workflow for more information.

Acceptance dates: January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2027