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POM EA 20 / Nature, Culture, and Society / Prof. Miller / FA24

Welcome and your assignment

So, you have been tasked with a final group project:  Deconstructing Claremont. The goal of these research projects is to help see Claremont in new ways, making visible the (largely) invisible. Who has been erased from its history? What is buried beneath the 21st century city? What forces and systems made this possible? How? Some of the answers might lie in available resources (water, energy, transportation, etc.); others in the local economy – the citrus industry, for one, the colleges for another. Infrastructure (flood control, railroad, automobiles/roads/highways) surely is a contributing fact. Legal prescriptions, racial and ethnic disparities, class divisions, and gender inequities are among the key indicators you might address.

You have been grouped into four teams to work on these projects (list of topics below - more suggestive than prescriptive). One key resource to these projects is the Library’s amazing digital archives. The final project can be a story map, website, podcast, zine, or even a paper (10-15 pages).

  • Water (Indigenous to present)
  • Biota/Landscapes (Indigenous, mission, rancho, settler / colonialism)
  • Citrus as Colonizing Force (water, land, labor, capital, railroad and warehousing, etc.)
  • Claremont Colleges as Colonizing Forces (property, architecture / aesthetics / design, etc.)
  • Postwar Sprawl (interstates, automobiles, suburban development, redlining, white flight)

Important links for your project

Head, Special Collections & Archives; Western Americana Manuscripts Librarian

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Lisa Crane
Special Collections & Archives - The Claremont Colleges Library
909 607-0862