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MLA Style (8th edition)

Formatting citations using the MLA 8th style. Based on the MLA Handbook, 8th edition.


Web sources can be difficult to cite because some of the information cite your source may be difficult to find. For example, the author information or publication date. This means that you will need to look carefully through the webpage to find the pieces of information you need to build out your complete citation.

The basic citation format for web source is:

Author(s). "Title of Webpage or Post" Title of Website. Organization or Company Responsible for the Website, Date published or last updated [Day Mon Year], URL. Accessed [Day Mon Year].​

Tips and Helpful Tricks

Author: Look for the author name at the top or bottom of the page. (Ex: Kathleen Wong) 

Title of webpage or post: Look for the title at the top of the page. (Ex: "Hawaiians are Taking to the Streets and Exercising their First Amendment Rights")

Title of the website: What is the name of the website hosting this information? (Ex: ACLU)

Organization or Company Responsible for the Website: Look in the footer at the copyright information or in the About Us section of the website. (Ex: American Civil Liberties Union)

Date Published or Last Updated: Publication dates will generally appear at the top of an article or webpage (Ex: July 25, 2019). However, you will need to reformat it so that it fits the formatting rules of MLA (Ex:  25 July 2019). If you do not see a publication date, use the Last Updated date for the website, usually found in the bottom corner footer. 

URL: Use the web address in your address bar that brought you to the resource. To fit within the rules of MLA, remove the preceding http:// or https:// and deactivate the link (ex: 

Accessed Date: This is the date that you accessed this article online. Format it so that it meets the rules of MLA with day first, then abbreviated month and lastly, year (Ex: 5 Aug 2019).


Wong, Kathleen. "Hawaiians are Taking to the Streets and Exercising their First Amendment Rights." ACLU, American Civil Liberties Union, 25 July 2019, Accessed 5 Aug 2019.

Webpage Citation Example