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Sacred Texts and Early Writings


  • Anchor Bible
    • One of the most authoritative multi-volume commentaries of the bible.  Print copies in Claremont Colleges Library and Denison

Primary Sources in Library Catalogs

The circulating book collection is also a source for primary sources.  These can be found in the following ways:
1. Search by author  to find books we have by a particular author, politician, journalist or another type of historical witness
2. Conduct an  advanced keyword search in the library catalog and then limit by publication year under “limit your search”)
3. Conduct an advanced keyword in Library Search and then limit to the word  "sources" in the subject field (by using the dropdown menu), for example:

"civil war" in the keyword field

"religio*" in the subject field (the asterisk is a truncation symbol yielding religion, religions, religious, religiosity)

"sources" in the subject field.
Results often link to a Library of Congress Subject subheading “sources” which is sometimes used to designate primary source collections of different kinds — as in:
United States History Civil War, 1861-1865 Religious aspects Sources.