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Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Research Resources

Although resources dealing with criminal justice can be found throughout the collections, call numbers HV and Z5703 focus specifically on criminal justice. Browse these locations in Honnold/Mudd to find a variety of interesting resources.  Find other electronic resources by searching in WMS and limiting to electronic.

Encyclopedias, Dictionaries and Annual Reviews

Concise Dictionary of Crime and Justice, by Mark S. Davis. 2002
Concise guide to the vocabulary of contemporary criminal justice.

Crime and Justice: An annual review of research.   Essays discussing current research in criminal justice. Indexed and available full text in JStor, with 5 year embargo, or available in print in the library.
Hon HV 6001 C672  v.1 - current

Dictionary of Criminal Justice, by George E. Rush. 2000, 5th edition.
Includes summaries of Supreme Court cases affecting criminal justice.
Hon Ref HV 7411 R87 2000

A dictionary of law enforcement, by Graham Gooch, Michael Williams.  2007
The only dictionary available that focuses on UK law enforcement terms, A Dictionary of Law Enforcement contains over 3,400 entries covering law, accountancy, insurance, shipping, commerce and trade, pathology, forensic medicine, criminology, and psychology.

Encyclopedia of American Crime, 2nd ed, by Carl Sifakis.
Highly selective work that attempts to cover the full gamut of crime in America.� Includes people, crimes and issues.
Hon Ref Fol HV 6789 S54 2001 v1-2

Encyclopedia of American Prisons, edited by Marilyn D. McShane.
Detailed articles dealing with issues in prisons, including biographies, history of corrections and legal issues.
Hon Ref HV 9471 E425 1996

Prisons and prison systems: a global encyclopedia by Mitchel P. Roth.  2006  This book is dedicated to offering the most current research on the prison systems of the world, past and present, as well as reference materials on famous and important prisons, prison reformers, famous prisoners, and prison architecture and architects.

Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, 2nd ed, edited by Joshua Dressler. 2002
Provides thorough background information on criminal justice concepts, institutions and history.

Encyclopedia of law enforcement,  Larry Sullivan, editor-in-chief.  2005  This three-volume Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement provides a comprehensive, critical, and descriptive examination of all facets of law enforcement on the state and local, federal and national, and international stages.

Encyclopedia of street crime in America, Jeffrey Ian Ross, editor.  2013  Focuses primarily on urban lifestyle and its associated crimes, ranging from burglary to drug peddling to murder to new, more sophisticated forms of street crime and scams.

The Sage encyclopedia of terrorism, edited by Gus Martin.  2011  Explores the impact of terrorism on economics, public health, religion, and even pop culture.

International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences: Online access to the 26 volume print encyclopedia (Hon Ref H41 I58 2001). Provides scholarly articles covering topics in anthropology, economics, political science, psychology, sociology, archaeology, demography, education, geography, history, law, linguistics, and philosophy. It also includes selected articles in the areas of evolution, genetics, neuroscience, psychiatry, health, gender, religion, technology, and area studies. Includes over 4,500 signed articles contributed by 3,842 scholars from 51 countries. Each entry includes a bibliography that cites books, articles and websites, with emphasis on sources from the last 25 years. Linked "see also" references lead researchers to related articles and provide context and breadth to the research process.

National Criminal Justice Thesaurus: Descriptors for indexing law enforcement and criminal justice information.
Contains descriptors, that is, those terms used to index literature. Useful for gathering terms to search library catalogs or periodical indexes.
Hon Gov US J28.28:998

The Sage dictionary of policing, compiled and edited by Alison Wakefield and Jenny Fleming.  2009.    A guide to police studies including key concepts and topics in the field.