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Information Literacy Habits of Mind (HOMs) Toolkit

To Cite or Not?

Context: This is a worksheet to introduce students to in-text citations, and is best suited as part of a larger lesson about attribution or academic integrity.

Assessment: This worksheet provides formative assessment to ensure students understand the concepts. If collected, this worksheet could be used as a summative assessment to compare with other classes with similar outcomes.

Time: 10 minutes

This worksheet introduces students to in-text citations, and when they are necessary. The text is taken from a Scholarship@Claremont thesis, and can be substituted out for another that is more closely related to the class, if you wish.

There are two ways you might use this:

1. assign the worksheet before class, then provide students with the answer key. Then discuss in class why certain sentences require a citations while others do not.

2. give the students a few minutes in class to complete the worksheet, then move directly to discussion. This might be a Think-Pair-Share exercise, or you can dive right into a full class discussion.

This worksheet introduces full bibliographic citations and how to put them together from one of the main styles (MLA 8th, APA 6 or Chicago). 

How you might use this:

1. Have a discussion on why we cite

2. Hand out the worksheet (one page for each student - let them choose what they want to cite)

3. Provide them with a citation short guide and explain what it is and how to use it.

4. Instruct them to use the short guide to inform them on how to create a full citation manually on the sheet of paper

5. Spend time checking the answers for each.

6. Students may ask questions throughout, write out the main concepts of their questions on the board to discuss after as a class. 

Keeping track of the literature

Context: This is a learning object - not activity - that can help students keep track of information sources used for an annotated bibliography or literature review. This worksheet can be given to students before or after a session, or can be worked through during the session as part of a teaching strategy focusing on synthesizing sources.

Assessment: If used in class, this worksheet can be used for formative assessments of student learning, or summative if you collect the worksheets from multiple classes with the same outcomes.

Time: N/A - self-paced

This template is a helpful addition to a citation manager, for students writing a literature review. The table breaks down important information about articles that one might want to include in their literature review, including main points, methodology, research questions, and any concept to further research. You might provide students with this template simply as a tool, or you might use it as an exploration exercise to get students thinking about the information necessary for a literature review.

Seniors writing thesis, or students in classes with original research components are most likely to find it useful. You can share it in class or with students during research appointments.

The document is currently view-only. You will need to make a copy in order to edit it.

The bitly for this template is:


Course guide resources

This tongue-in-cheek citation manager flowchart can be used prior to introducing students to the need for a citation manager. However, the flowchart also highlights the many ways in which a citation manager helps manage research and also gives guidance on selecting the right citation manager for you.